Get Ahead Of The Game With A Sunday Reset Routine

sunday reset


Having a simple checklist of things to do on Sunday in order to start my week off right has been a game changer for me. A Sunday reset routine sets the tone for the week and doesn’t take a lot of time, helps keep my house tidy and clean, and lowers my stress levels.

Knocking out those pesky things like cleaning, groceries, or cooking earlier in the week means the simple things have been taken care of so you can give all your attention to living your life.

ryans tiny house

Hi, I’m Ryan

I call my Sunday reset routine my “Sunday sweep.” I’ve created a short list that tackles problem areas in less than 30 minutes, even if it’s just me doing it. My checklist takes thinking out of the process so I can just grab my cleaning supplies and knock it out.

ryan mitchell simple living expert

Why A Sunday Reset Matters

Why A Sunday Reset Matters

I think the concept of a Sunday reset works so well because it is a routine or practice that helps bring some ritual to starting the week off right.

I know I am not alone in this, but when I get stressed, I often find myself cleaning my space. It helps me feel a sense of control when life gets a bit crazy and I can say, “I might not be able to control that part of my life, but I can control this part.” I’m sure a therapist would have a field day with that one.

Regardless, I do feel that there is merit to setting the tone of your week with a tidy space. This ritual also helps bring a healthy close to the weekend so you can begin easing into the work week in a productive way.

The trick with any good habit is to make it easy to do, reduce the friction of the process, and, where possible, make it fun.

building good habits

Why Do Sunday Resets Work?

Why Do Sunday Resets Work

In addition to setting the right tone, there is a fair bit of science that has come out regarding what we need to be more effective in our daily lives. Rest and relaxation make up a big part of that, as well as getting oriented in the right way.

rest and recalibrationMovements like the quiet quitting movement that challenge unfair work environments and salute those who take care of their workers first are finally being praised on a macro level. We are beginning to voice something that we should have been voicing all along: Human beings need rest and recalibration to take care of themselves well and, thus, do higher quality work. The priorities should go: human first, work second.

Biology, neurology, and psychology all agree that the human body is an organism that needs to be recharged and refueled in order to function. Numerous studies reveal that putting in extra time on the front end to prepare your body, mind, and space, and simply recalibrating is not only good for your soul, but it improves productivity, too.

Taking that extra step on Sunday to clean or organize your office, prep some healthy batch-cooked meals, take a long warm bath, or go on a relaxing walk will set you up for a far more successful week than if you neglect all of your personal needs. Your body and mind are the most valuable tools at your disposal to help you be the person you want to be and create the work you want to create, so take the time to care for them.

ways to declutter your mind

A Sunday Reset Routine Reduces Decision Fatigue

A Sunday Reset Routine Reduces Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue has been a core inspiration for many of my decisions as a minimalist. It has led me to start wearing a personal uniform, adopt a basic minimalist diet, and declutter most of my belongings.

getting a grip on a busy scheduleWhy? Many studies including one by Medical News Today reveals that limiting the number of choices you make in one day improves your mental clarity and cognitive capacity.

Reducing the number of trivial choices made in a small amount of time gives you more brain capacity for depth, creativity, theorizing, problem solving, analyzing information, and relating to loved ones.

Starting a Sunday reset routine will reduce the number of decisions and open doors for other things. When I started doing my Sunday sweep every week, it took cleaning, cooking, organizing, decluttering, and sorting entirely off my mind during my work week. This gave me more brain space to use on things that were important to my life and my work.

You Gain Time When You Reset On Sunday

You Gain Time When You Reset On Sunday

Choosing to be strategic with how I use my “off” time has been one of my most helpful tools in managing tasks while also feeling at peace and content in my own mind.

Instead of spending my Sunday mindlessly scrolling on TikTok or watching reruns, I ask myself how I can use my time to take care of me. Going that extra mile to prep meals or tidy up my office on Sunday saves me time throughout my week.

A Sunday Reset Routine Gives You Peace Of Mind

A Sunday Reset Routine Gives You Peace Of Mind

The best aspect of implementing a Sunday reset routine is the peace of mind it brings you. I can be pretty cynical about things, and I often look at trendy routines like this and think about how they’re not a magic fix. And while that’s true — a Sunday reset routine isn’t a magic fix to solve all your problems — it has genuinely helped me get my mind ready to dive into my work week.

Put simply, my reset routine just gives me less to think about during the day. When I know I have my fuel in the fridge, my tools in their right places, and a clean and cozy house to work in, I can conquer the week with ease.

tips for simple living

My Personal Sunday Sweep

My Personal Sunday Sweep

I wanted to share some of the things I do in my own Sunday sweep routine to get everything in order for the week. However, before I get into it, I want to say that self-care is going to looks different for every single person based on the things that they value most.

You want your Sunday reset routine to align with the goals you have for the week. I don’t personally participate in the more artistic or self-reflective parts of self-care, but if your idea of resetting means painting a self-portrait with classical musical blaring on vinyl behind you, definitely go for it.

Like I said, your Sunday reset routine should reflect you above all else. I’ve shown you the things I do below!

Ryan’s Sunday Sweep Check List

Ryans Sunday Sweep Check List

Like I said, I start off each week with a Sunday sweep routine that helps me to be more efficient, make fewer trivial decisions, and increase the quality of my day by having a nice, clean space.

Most of the tasks I go through each Sunday are about cleaning and preparation, because I know that’s what I need to do to start my week off right.

I have my own personal Sunday sweep checklist that helps me to stay on track. It includes a section for decluttering, dusting, doing laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, cleaning the kitchen, and other general cleaning.


sunday sweep bucket

Sunday Sweep Check List

Ryan’s Sunday Sweep Cleaning Caddy

Ryans Sunday Sweep Cleaning Caddy

I actually built a specific cleaning caddy for my Sunday sweep routine which only holds the things that I need to complete my specific checklist and nothing else. That way, when I am ready to start my reset, I can grab my checklist and my caddy and knock out all the work in under 30 minutes!

Sunday Sweep Cleaning Caddy

Ryan’s Sunday Sweep Cleaning Items List

Ryans Sunday Sweep Cleaning Items List copy

Over my years of resetting on Sunday, I have filled my caddy with some of my favorite cleaning products that have passed the test of time.

OXO deep cleaning brushesI love using my Swiffer, which has been a game changer for me and my personal cleaning routine. The magic eraser is great for tough stain spots and I really could not live without it.

When it comes to odor removal, I use Mrs. Meyer’s air freshener because it doesn’t have any sketchy ingredients and smells so good. Sometimes I’ll light a candle or two. Plink’s drain deodorizers also smell great, and I haven’t been able to find a cheaper generic version that matches them in quality.

I would highly recommend OXO deep cleaning brushes for removing grime around sink and faucets. I also like to keep a large box of baking soda and a gallon jug of white vinegar with my caddy, which isn’t shown in the image. I have some items that I rotate in and out of my cleaning caddy, but for the most part, these items are my weekly go tos.

create a minimalist house

Building Your Own Sunday Reset Routine

Building Your Own Sunday Reset Routine

When building your own personal Sunday reset routine, ask yourself what kind of reset routine will be most helpful for the way you operate: what do you need to do or have to help get you through your week?

meal prepping for sunday resetI know my good friend Tessa likes to spend Sunday away from all notifications, emails, text messages, social media, and looming work tasks to read something enlightening or write in her journal. For her, resetting her mind needs to come first in order to tackle the rest.

For me, having a sense of control over my physical surroundings helps me feel prepared enough to dive into the rapid influx of tasks and work that comes with being a small business owner. For some of my other close friends, meal prepping for their huge family or tackling long forms and business phone calls early on in the week helps them feel less anxious.

Your Sunday reset routine should match who you are and what you need. Here are some simple ideas of things you could do to reset on Sunday:

1Give Your Home A Deep Clean

Giving my entire house a deep clean is an awesome way to help me reset my space and mind to prepare for a long week. Not only does having a clean space help you mentally prepare for a busy week, but it can also be great for your body and physical health to have clean sheets, clothes, and air.

Ideas To Clean Your House And Reset Your Sunday

  • Change your sheets
  • Clean sinks and counters
  • Mop and sweep
  • Vacuum
  • Wash towels, hand towels, and bathmats
  • Sanitize shower, sinks, and soap dispensers
vacuum cleaner

2Knock Out Other Household Chores

It can be super difficult to find time in the middle of my busy week to do basic household chores. That’s why I like to include household chores in my Sunday reset to-do list, as it helps my hectic week run much more smoothly!

Chore Ideas During Sunday Reset

washing dishes

3Organize And Declutter Your Rooms

Taking the time to organize and declutter my bedroom, bathroom, and work space helps me set myself up for success amidst a hectic week. Knowing everything is in its place can save you from decision fatigue and help you find what you need faster in the middle of a long work day.

Organization Ideas During Sunday Reset

sorting clothes

4Running Errands

Running errands and buying groceries are two of the best tactics to set yourself up well for a busy week, so this is something I prioritize getting done before my week gets hectic. Think about what you might need for the week or what errands you may not have time to get to after a long workday, and try to knock those out during your Sunday reset routine.

Ideas For Errands To Run During Sunday Reset

  • Buy groceries
  • Get gas
  • Pick up or drop off laundry
  • Clean or vacuum the car
  • Pick up prescriptions
filling the car with gas

5Meal Prep This Week’s Lunches And Dinners

Meal prepping has gained a ton of popularity in the past few years as one of the best time savers for those with hectic schedules. I do a lot of meal prepping for my lunches so I can eat quickly between meetings.

Whether you are a mom with school-age kids or an adult with a full-time job, cooking lunch and dinner every day may not be in the cards. Help yourself get ahead and cook meals during your Sunday reset routine.

Meal Prep Ideas

  • Prep mason jar meals
  • Prep freezer meals
  • Prep sack lunches
  • Chop or prepare ingredients
  • Decant food
  • Cook meals ahead of time
prepped meals stored in fridge

Sunday Reset Routine Checklist

Sunday Reset Routine Checklist

Go through this checklist to tackle all of these Sunday reset ideas! I’ve put them all in one place for easy access. Of course, don’t feel like you have to address them all — choose what works for you.

Sunday Reset Routine Checklist


  • Sort mail and email
  • Put away clothes
  • Organize desk or workspace
  • Sort bathroom and medicine cabinet
  • Sort shelves in fridge
  • Declutter yard or garage


  • Change your sheets
  • Clean sinks and counters
  • Mop and sweep
  • Vacuum
  • Laundry
  • Wash dishes


  • Buy groceries
  • Get gas
  • Pick up/drop off laundry
  • Wash/vacuum the car
  • Pick up prescriptions
  • Item

Meal Prep

  • Prep mason jar meals
  • Prep freezer meals
  • Prep sack lunches
  • Chop or prepare ingredients
  • Decant food
  • Cook meals ahead of time
There are so many ways you can reset on Sunday beyond what I’m suggesting. Journaling, setting intentions, or giving your room a new ambiance are just a few ideas of other ways you can reset on Sunday. Matching your reset routine to your needs is the best way to help you feel empowered to take on a crazy week!

Your Turn!

  • What steps will your Sunday reset routine include?
  • What reset ideas can you implement on Sunday to make your week easier?
1 Comment
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