Create A Minimalist Workout Routine That Works

minimalist workout routine


Adopting a minimalist workout routine doesn’t have to be time-consuming, expensive, or complicated. Even the simplest routines can have a significant impact on your mood, energy, and overall wellbeing. I’ve found that scheduling a little bit of time for exercise every week has really improved the way I feel in the day-to-day without a lot of extra effort.

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Hi, I’m Ryan

Strict workout regimens have never been my thing. By regularly engaging in a few simple activities I actually enjoy, I’m able to experience the health benefits of a minimalist workout routine without making it feel like a chore.

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What Is A Minimalist Workout Routine?

What Is A Minimalist Workout Routine

A minimalist workout routine is a quick, efficient exercise plan that can be done pretty much anywhere, with the least amount of equipment.

Most of the time, minimalist workouts turn out to be pretty inexpensive as well, but they don’t have to be!

The most amazing thing about minimalist workout routines is that they often yield the same results as standard workout routines — just without all the bells and whistles.

minimalist workout routine

Why Is Creating A Minimalist Workout Routine Important?

Why Is Creating A Minimalist Workout Routine Important

When I first transitioned to a minimalist lifestyle, creating a minimalist workout routine wasn’t really on my radar. It seemed like decluttering my possessions and organizing my space were the most important steps toward leading a better life.

However, the deeper I got into minimalism, the more I realized that simplifying my habits — like my workout routine — could also have a positive impact on my life.

There are a ton of great benefits to developing a minimalist workout routine. When I took a simpler approach to working out, I quickly realized that I was not only improving my health, but I was also saving time and money by avoiding the gym and unnecessary exercise equipment.

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Improves Physical Health

Improves Physical Health

I don’t think I need to tell you that regular exercise of any kind improves physical health — you already know that. However, in order to experience the long-term health benefits of exercise, you have to be consistent.

Because a minimalist workout routine is designed to eliminate all the friction that interferes with developing a habit, you’re more likely to stick to it. Even the simplest workout routine can drastically improve your physical health if you do it consistently — especially when it’s used in tandem with a minimalist diet.

minimalist diet

Improves Mental Health

Improves Mental Health

Regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. These benefits are harder to access, though, when the type of exercise you’re engaged in isn’t actually fun or enjoyable.

Developing a minimalist workout routine gets rid of the overwhelm that all-too-often plagues people who are looking to establish an effective routine. Decluttering all the activities you “should” do allows you to focus on incorporating movement that actually brings you joy and satisfaction.

how to declutter your schedule

Saves You Time

Saves You Time

Creating a minimalist workout routine is a great way to protect your time while still working toward your fitness goals. By focusing on simple but effective exercises, you can spend a shorter amount of time working out than you would with more complex routines.

Also, when you have a set plan for your workouts, you don’t have to think about what you will do each time you want to exercise. You can make intentional choices for your week once and then cruise through your workouts on autopilot.

best time for minimalist workout

Saves You Money

Saves You Money

Due to the popularity of “fitness culture,” luxury gyms, equipment, and clothing lines have rapidly emerged. There’s a lot of pressure to buy into the idea that if you want to be healthy, you have to spend a lot of money.

Minimalist workout routines demonstrate how that notion is a hoax. There are countless ways to exercise that don’t require you to impress anybody — or spend a single penny.

When you choose a minimalist workout routine, you’re not going to need an expensive stationary bike or high-tech mirror, let alone the expensive memberships that often come along with gadgets like those.

minimalism can save you money

When Should Minimalists Exercise?

When Should Minimalists Exercise

Honestly, there is no perfect time for a minimalist to workout. The time of day, frequency of exercise, and longevity of workouts all depend on a person’s individual capacity. That’s the beauty of the minimalist workout routine.

To determine when you should workout, take a moment to define your goals, examine your schedule, and assess your other responsibilities. Keep in mind that these things might change over time, so it’s important to be gracious and flexible with yourself.

minimalist running routine in the morning

Examples Of Minimalist Workouts

Examples Of Minimalist Workouts

Minimalist workout routines can involve all sorts of movement. I’ve found that a combination of cardio and weightlifting works best for me during this season of my life.

My Workout Routine

Every day: I take a 15-minute walk first thing in the morning. This helps amp up my energy and motivation for the day.

Every week: I go on a long hike. I typically carry a heavy rucksack with a 20-lb weight in it to increase the difficulty.

3x Per week: I lift some weights. I use Greyskull LP — a simple powerlifting routine to build strength.

As you can see, the length, time of day, and intensity of my workout changes depending on which activity I’m engaged in. There’s nothing wrong with building some variety into your routine as long as you have a plan!

Minimalist Weightlifting

Minimalist Weightlifting

There are an infinite number of ways to approach weightlifting. Trying to decide on the simplest, most effective routine can be stressful and exhausting — especially when there are so many reputable voices in the fitness sphere.

YouTuber, bodybuilder, and powerlifter Jeff Nippard suggests a streamlined workout routine for minimalists that can be easily modified. His regimen includes a few key movements that are science-based.

Minimalist Bodyweight Workout

Minimalist Bodyweight Workout

If you’re not a big fan of the gym, bodyweight workouts — which are a little more versatile — might be more your speed.

Ryan Sadilek, a fitness and nutrition specialist with over 20 years of experience, demonstrates how to complete both upper and lower body workouts at home utilizing simple circuits.

He lays out four-day and six-day workout schedules for minimalists who are hoping to rapidly improve their strength.

Minimalist Yoga Workout

Minimalist Yoga Workout

For those who prefer to combine exercise with other minimalist practices, like mindfulness or meditation, a yoga routine may be the way to go. Fortunately, there are plenty of free yoga workouts accessible on the internet.

Adriene, who has millions of subscribers on her YouTube channel, has a video for almost any type of flow you could imagine. She is constantly creating new videos, most of which are less than 30 minutes.

Minimalist Cardio Workout

Minimalist Cardio Workout

Let’s face it: cardio workouts have the potential to be quite boring, but in a way, they are a minimalist’s dream.

Cardio workouts can be completed outdoors or indoors, often with little to no equipment. Although cardio workouts could include a ton of variety, they traditionally focus on one or two movements that are repeated for the duration of the workout. Not too much thought required.

YouTuber Lauren Giraldo has become famous for her 12-3-30 workout, which involves walking on a treadmill at incline 12 and speed 3 for 30 minutes. Simple as it sounds, it has yielded incredible results for many of its supporters.

How To Choose The Best Minimalist Workout Routine For You

How To Choose The Best Minimalist Workout Routine For You

The Best Minimalist Workout Routine For You

Define your fitness goals: Think about specific, realistic accomplishments that you would like to achieve along your fitness journey.

Identify available windows of time: Look at your schedule and determine which time blocks would be most conducive to exercise at this moment in your life.

Try a routine: If you don’t know which type of minimalist workout routine would be best for you, simply pick one and try it! There’s no harm in experimenting and re-evaluating after a brief period of time.

If you don’t like it, rinse and repeat: If a certain routine doesn’t work out for you, don’t be discouraged. Choose something else and give it a go until you land on something you love. As I said before, consistency is key, and it’s easier to be consistent when you genuinely enjoy what you’re doing!

Overall, pursuing a minimalist workout routine should simplify your life and your fitness regimen — not complicate it. Working out like a minimalist means you’re prioritizing the things that matter to you most.

Whether your workout bliss comes from taking care of your heart, sculpting the perfects abs or just staying limber and active, follow the activities and routines that make you feel good and best suit the simple life you love living.

minimalist fitness regimen

Your Turn!

  • What experiences have you had trying to implement a minimalist workout routine?
  • Which of these minimalist workouts are you most likely to try?
1 Comment
  1. Love, love, love this!!!!

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