Archive for the Homesteading Category

Designing A 20 Acre Homestead Layout

Designing A 20 Acre Homestead Layout

This 20 acre homestead layout mirrors the design I used on my own land when starting my homestead, which has successfully supplied my needs and brought in revenue. Twenty acres of land is an amazing amount of space to farm, and if you follow this blueprint to cultivate a good portion of your property, you can create an enjoyable, sustainable, and profitable homestead on your own land as well.

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Solar Powered Mini Fridge: High Efficiency, Low Power

Solar Powered Mini Fridge: High Efficiency, Low Power

When I first started utilizing solar energy and thinking about going off grid, appliances were one of my first major considerations. I took the time to think about what appliances are essential for my day-to-day life and how much solar power I would need to use them. With respect to cold storage, a solar powered mini fridge is a great space-saving solution and is excellent at reducing your energy draw as you puzzle out your homestead’s solar needs with the goal of reducing your footprint.

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How Much Does A Cord Of Wood Weigh?

How Much Does A Cord Of Wood Weigh?

Knowing I planned to burn wood to heat my tiny home, one of the first things I wanted to know was how much wood is in a cord of firewood and how much it weighs. Turns out, it’s a complex answer because a cord of wood doesn’t have a standard weight. The weight of a cord of wood is affected by several factors, including the moisture content, species, and the density of the wood.

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