Archive for the Homesteading Category

What To Plant In Fall: Top 29 Fall Garden Vegetables

What To Plant In Fall: Top 29 Fall Garden Vegetables

There’s something satisfying about planting a garden in the crisp, colorful autumn weather, knowing that, after carefully planning what to plant in fall, I’ll be able to enjoy the produce through the colder months and into the new year. Fresh peas, broccoli, leeks, peppers, and onions make a good portion of my meals homegrown, healthy, and packed with flavor, even withstanding the occasional freeze that my North Carolina homestead experiences.

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Why An Outdoor Wood Furnace is A Homestead Must-Have

Why An Outdoor Wood Furnace is A Homestead Must-Have

My favorite thing about the outdoor wood furnace on my homestead is how mess-free my wood heat is. I’ve had wood stoves that filled my house with smoke because the flue wasn’t warmed enough, and lugging logs into the house daily makes a huge mess, too. Now, with an outdoor biomass boiler, I can still live off grid using wood heat without any dirt, smoke, and woodchips entering my tiny home.

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