Archive for the Minimalism Category

From Chaos to Serenity: The Complete Marie Kondo Method

From Chaos to Serenity: The Complete Marie Kondo Method

Marie Kondo’s method of organizing your home aligns closely with the minimalist lifestyle. I’ve written a lot of in-depth articles with step-by-step instructions on her techniques, so I’ve pulled together this guide to help you navigate her best advice and practically apply it in your everyday life. If you’re looking to tidy your home, adopt a minimalist-inspired lifestyle, or seek more fulfillment in your life, the KonMari method is a great place to start.

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Step-By-Step Guide: How To Marie Kondo Fold Like A Pro

Step-By-Step Guide: How To Marie Kondo Fold Like A Pro

Marie Kondo’s method of folding clothes showed me that folding laundry doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it can be uplifting and contribute to a very neat and organized space. While I’ve never been a huge fan of doing laundry, the KonMari folding method changed my outlook, and I even adopted it in parts of my closet.

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Minimalist Everyday Carry: Portable, Practical Preparation

Minimalist Everyday Carry: Portable, Practical Preparation

When I talk about how to live a minimalist lifestyle, I often have to remind others (and myself) that minimalism doesn’t just mean a complete absence of stuff. Minimalism is about stripping away unnecessary items and living each day with intention. Having a minimalist everyday carry list is a great way to define the essentials in my day-to-day life.

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